Diagram 15: Keep the head supported and in line with the spine.Diagram 16: Hold splint in place with tied cloth.Diagram 17: Start wrapping below sprain towards the heart.
A Bone Break
Stop: Do you suspect a neck or back injury? Call 911. Do not move
person, unless you must for their safety. If so, keep the head
supported and in line with the spine. (Diagram 15)
Call 911 if there is heavy bleeding, gentle pressure causes pain,
or the bone comes out through the skin. Cover an open fracture with
a clean cloth.
Protect the area from movement. Make a splint from wooden boards or
rolled newspapers. Hold the splint in place with tied cloth.
(Diagram 16)
“Buddy tape” a broken toe to a nearby healthy toe or tape a broken
finger to a nearby healthy finger.
Apply an ice pack for swelling. Do not apply ice if bone is
sticking out of the skin.
For a serious broken bone, immediately go to the Emergency Room, or call 911.
Do not attempt to put the bone back in place. There might be a broken bone.
Support a dislocated joint with pillows, a rolled blanket, sling, or splint.
Apply an ice pack.
Go to your doctor, or the Emergency Room, or call 911.
Sprain (RICE)
Rest the injured area.
Ice: Apply an ice bag or cool compress covered in a towel or over a
damp cloth on the joint as soon as possible. Ice for 20 minutes.
Repeat this every 4 hours.
Compression: Wrap with an elastic bandage or elastic sleeve–not too
tightly. Start wrapping below the joint and wrap towards the body.
(Diagram 17)
Elevate the joint above the heart level. This moves fluids away from the injury.
For pain, take ibuprofen (Motrin®, Advil®, etc.) or acetaminophen (Tylenol®, etc.).
Seek medical care if pain is severe or if you suspect a broken bone.